*Tryouts for the 2024-2025 season are complete and team selection
e-mails have been sent. If your athlete participated in tryouts and you did not receive an e-mail, please reach out to sbahoopsemail@gmail.com
2024-2025 Tryouts
Snohomish High School
*Tryouts are CLOSED to parents/spectators
Girls: Sept 16 & 17
Grades 4/5/6 7-8pm
Grades 7/8 8-9pm
Boys: Sept 24 & 25
Grades 5/6 7-8pm
Grades 7/8 8-9pm
SBA is for athletes residing within the Snohomish HS boundaries or who attend, in person, a SHS feeding elementary or middle school. If you do not meet this criteria, please do NOT register as you will not be permitted to tryout.
Email sbahoopsemail@gmail.com for more information or questions.
*On rare occasions, an athlete may be able to play up one grade level. View the SBA Rules on Playing Up.